Thursday, October 27, 2011

SOS for the cholera patients of Robillard...CHOLERA HELP NEEDED!!

· Andre Sylvestre <> Oct 25 11:30PM -0500

Hi, all!
I am sad to report that there is increase of cases of cholera at the CTC of
Robillard. There were 84 cases of cholera last week alone. Tonight there
are 25 patients of cholera at the CTC. The patients come from not only
Robillard, but also from Grizon Garde, Labruyere and Soufriere (areas that
belong to the municipality of Acul du Nord), because there are no CTC in
those areas and the CTC of Robillard are closer to them than.... That
situation is getting chaotic, because:

1) there is shortage of medical people (our few nurses are getting tired,
because they do not have enough sleep),

2) there is shortage of supplies such as Clorox, IV, soap, and so on; there
is no sprayer, no source of energy during the evening: we were in the

obligation to buy some lamps and fuel for the patients and their family;
3) because we are not equipped to welcome so many people, there is no place

for the parents of the patients to sleep in the evening;
4) the people who come from areas out of Robillard suffer from lack of food,

because the cholera outbreak did not give them enough time to bring any
money or food with them.

5) The closeness of the two CTC prevent our young men and women to attend
the sewing school comfortably. Everybody is stressed out;

6) The worst situation is the fact that it is raining at Robillard almost
every day and that the rainy season brings a lot of water in the two tents

where the patients stay during several days to take medication (there is no
cement in the ground); so, the inside of the two tents if full of mud. In

other words, the current tents are not places for human beings to stay.
Someone cannot imagine that human beings would live in such a situation in

the 21th century.
7) as a consequence of the chaotic situation, one person died last week and

another one passed away this morning at the CTC of Robillard.
The people attending the CTC of Robillard would be grateful to anyone or

institution that would provide some kind of assistance to them. Please
assist us before the situation become more chaotic and to prevent more

 people from dying.

Father Andre Sylvestre
Pastor of the Parish of Robillard

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