THANK YOU Alice Baxter Griffiths
for the donation, it will go to as many cans of Ensure that Steve Brown
can deliver this weekend!!! AND NOW to Michael Broyles
for volunteering to fly the supplies and maybe Steve to deliver the goods!!!

YOU ALL ROCK!!!! xoxoxo Debby ♥♥♥♥♥
PS: I'm going to pitch in & make it an even $100!!! WHO ELSE would like to help this mother of 6 that has Esophageal Cancer!!! ♥♥♥♥It's ON, let's keep it going!!!!♥♥♥♥ Email or message me on facebook>!/1mohr
MY LAST BLOG from yesterday was somehow deleted by BLOG so here is the scoop:
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥This is a DESPERATE CALL OUT to all of my friends and family on the ground in HAITI, please, this is very important.....♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
VIA: Becky Duff 5-12-11
Anyone with any extra liquid nutrition supplements to share? Such as ensure, BOOST or the like? I have a lady in Central Plateau with confirmed esophogeal mass. She has had this over one year and is tolerating liquids only. I bring and leave all I can when I go to Hinche, but she has run out and the family does not have the means to purchase. I can arrange a pick up if neccessary. Supplements are keeping her alive and giving her some quality of life. Thank you. Becky Duff
5-13-11 The nutrition is number one concern, unless he is a surgeon who can grab a tissue bx of her tumor. I've had her all over to be worked up. Confirmed mass on her EGD but somehow they "failed" to get a biopsy. This is about a year ago. She had already been down to liquids only for " a year?" per her and families history. I'm thinking that perhaps this is benign since all literature I have read indicates she should be dead by now. It will a shame when she obstructs and dies from this. Where does Steve go in haiti? I ask because it may be somewhere I am familiar with or I may know someone in that area to hand the supplements off to.
MY LAST BLOG from yesterday was somehow deleted by BLOG so here is the scoop:
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥This is a DESPERATE CALL OUT to all of my friends and family on the ground in HAITI, please, this is very important.....♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
VIA: Becky Duff 5-12-11
Anyone with any extra liquid nutrition supplements to share? Such as ensure, BOOST or the like? I have a lady in Central Plateau with confirmed esophogeal mass. She has had this over one year and is tolerating liquids only. I bring and leave all I can when I go to Hinche, but she has run out and the family does not have the means to purchase. I can arrange a pick up if neccessary. Supplements are keeping her alive and giving her some quality of life. Thank you. Becky Duff
5-13-11 The nutrition is number one concern, unless he is a surgeon who can grab a tissue bx of her tumor. I've had her all over to be worked up. Confirmed mass on her EGD but somehow they "failed" to get a biopsy. This is about a year ago. She had already been down to liquids only for " a year?" per her and families history. I'm thinking that perhaps this is benign since all literature I have read indicates she should be dead by now. It will a shame when she obstructs and dies from this. Where does Steve go in haiti? I ask because it may be somewhere I am familiar with or I may know someone in that area to hand the supplements off to.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥This is a DESPERATE CALL OUT to all of my friends and family on the ground in HAITI, please, this is very important.....♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteSORRY my last post was somehow deleted by BLOG!!
Here is the scoop>>>
VIA: Becky Duff 5-12-11
Anyone with any extra liquid nutrition supplements to share? Such as ensure, BOOST or the like? I have a lady in Central Plateau with confirmed esophogeal mass. She has had this over one year and is tolerating liquids only. I bring and leave all I can when I go to Hinche, but she has run out and the family does not have the means to purchase. I can arrange a pick up if neccessary. Supplements are keeping her alive and giving her some quality of life. Thank you. Becky Duff
5-13-11 The nutrition is number one concern, unless he is a surgeon who can grab a tissue bx of her tumor. I've had her all over to be worked up. Confirmed mass on her EGD but somehow they "failed" to get a biopsy. This is about a year ago. She had already been down to liquids only for " a year?" per her and families history. I'm thinking that perhaps this is benign since all literature I have read indicates she should be dead by now. It will a shame when she obstructs and dies from this. Where does Steve go in haiti? I ask because it may be somewhere I am familiar with or I may know someone in that area to hand the supplements off to.